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Olive Oil For Weight Loss: Does It Really Work?


Olive oil has been a staple of the Mediterranean diet for centuries. This predominantly plant-based diet is linked to lower rates of chronic diseases like heart disease, diabetes, and even some cancers. In recent years, research has confirmed that olive oil offers numerous health benefits beyond just being a healthy fat.

With its high content of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds, olive oil may also aid weight loss when included as part of a balanced diet and active lifestyle. This article will explore the evidence on olive oil and weight loss, how to incorporate it into your routine and answer common questions.

Health Benefits Of Olive Oil

Olive oil is rich in monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs), the type of healthy fats that actually help lower bad LDL cholesterol and blood triglycerides. MUFAs may also help regulate blood sugar levels and insulin sensitivity, providing better glycemic control. These protective effects are linked to oleic acid, which makes up the majority of olive oil’s fat content. 

Olive Oil For Weight Loss

In addition to fatty acids, olive oil contains a wide array of plant compounds like polyphenols which act as antioxidants and anti-inflammatories. Two potent examples are oleocanthal and oleuropein. Research indicates that regular consumption of these compounds found in olive oil may decrease oxidative stress, improve blood vessel function, and reduce inflammation in the body. Chronic inflammation is tied to many modern health conditions, including heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and obesity.

Olive oil’s antioxidant content also makes it more stable for cooking at moderate temperatures compared to other vegetable oils. The antioxidants help prevent oxidation from heat exposure which can degrade the quality of the oil. Using high-quality extra virgin olive oil for cooking may lead to greater absorption of these beneficial plant compounds.

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Olive Oil For Weight Loss: Does It Really Work?  

A number of studies have found that a diet incorporating olive oil can indeed help facilitate and sustain weight loss. Here are some of the key findings about olive oil and weight loss:

  • A major Spanish study in 2020 followed over 7,000 participants for nearly 6 years. Those who consumed olive oil regularly had a lower risk of becoming obese compared to those who never or rarely consumed it. 
  • Research comparing weight loss diets found that people following a Mediterranean diet enriched with olive oil lost more weight than those advised to reduce dietary fat. Participants on the olive oil diet lost about 5 lbs more on average after 1 year.
  • Another study in postmenopausal women had similar findings. The group following a moderate-fat Mediterranean-style diet enriched with olive oil lost more weight and body fat compared to the conventional low-fat diet group. 
  • There is also evidence that including olive oil in meal replacement shakes or other weight loss supplements may improve weight loss outcomes.

The benefits appear to stem from olive oil’s ability to boost fat burning while also promoting greater feelings of fullness and satisfaction after eating. The monounsaturated fats and antioxidant content of olive oil are thought to impact weight by:

  • Increasing fat burning – MUFAs may stimulate genes involved in fat breakdown.
  • Lowering fat storage – Olive oil may inhibit genes involved in fat production and storage. 
  • Improving satiety – The fats, antioxidants, and emulsifiers in olive oil help meals feel more satisfying.

So while olive oil is high in calories and fat, its positive effects on metabolism, satiety, blood sugar, and cholesterol set it apart from less healthy fats. When used in place of animal fats or butter, it can be an effective addition to a balanced diet for weight loss and maintenance.

How To Use Olive Oil For Weight Loss?

Here are some tips on incorporating olive oil into your routines to take advantage of its weight-loss benefits:

  • Use high-quality extra virgin olive oil as your main oil for cooking. The antioxidants are highest in fresh, unrefined olive oils.
  • Include some raw olive oil on salads, vegetables, bread, marinades, and dressings. This ensures you get the full benefits of its antioxidants.
  • Measure carefully, as olive oil is calorie-dense. Stick to about 1-2 tablespoons per day if weight loss is your goal. 
  • Use olive oil in homemade hummus, pesto, salad dressings, marinades, and more instead of buying high-calorie, lower-quality versions.
  • Saute or roast vegetables in olive oil instead of butter. The added antioxidants and emulsifiers improve the quality and absorption of fat-soluble vitamins in veggies.
  • Enjoy high-fiber crackers, whole grain bread, or vegetable sticks dipped in a mix of olive oil and herbs/spices. This can be a fiber-rich, plant-based alternative to fatty dips.
  • Always opt for high-quality extra virgin olive oil in dark bottles. The fresher the olive oil, the more antioxidants it will contain.
  • Drink some warm olive oil in the morning on an empty stomach to jumpstart digestion for the day. 

Along with using olive oil, be sure to eat plenty of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, beans, and legumes as part of a Mediterranean-style diet for optimal weight loss effects. Olive oil complements a plant-forward eating pattern.

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Olive oil has emerged as far more than just a basic cooking fat. Its high content of beneficial monounsaturated fats, antioxidants, and anti-inflammatory compounds offers measurable advantages for weight loss and metabolic health. By displacing less healthy fats and boosting fat burning, olive oil is an impactful addition to a Mediterranean diet when trying to manage weight effectively. Just be mindful of portion sizes, as olive oil is calorie-dense. Focus on extra virgin olive oil and enjoy its multitude of health and weight loss benefits.


Q: Does olive oil break a fast or affect ketosis?

A: In small amounts, olive oil is generally fine for intermittent fasting or ketogenic diets. It contains no carbs and mostly monounsaturated fat. Limit use to 1-2 tbsp to minimize any potential effects on ketosis or fasting.

Q: Can you cook with olive oil at high heat? 

A: Try to keep the heat moderate. The antioxidants in olive oil break down at very high heat. Use refined avocado oil for high-temperature cooking instead to preserve olive oil’s nutrients.

Q: Is olive oil better than coconut or avocado oil?

A: They all have different characteristics. Olive oil shines for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant content. Coconut oil has medium-chain triglycerides that may help boost metabolism. For high-heat cooking, avocado oil is more stable.

Q: Does olive oil need to be stored in the fridge?

A: No. Store olive oil in a cool, dark place like a cupboard. The fridge can cause olive oil to become cloudy and solidify. Keeping it in the cupboard preserves its quality and freshness.

Q: How long does olive oil last before going bad?

A: Unopened, about 2 years. Once opened, aim to use within 3-6 months. Old or improperly stored olive oil will lose nutrients and its quality declines over time.

Dr. Harold Gojiberry is not just your ordinary General Practitioner; he is a compassionate healthcare provider with a deep commitment to patient well-being and a passion for literature. With extensive medical knowledge and experience, Dr. Gojiberry has made a significant impact in the field of healthcare, particularly in the area of liver diseases and viral hepatitis.

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